Chipotle Just Leaked The Trick To Getting Free Guac Every Single Day

Chipotle Just Leaked The Trick To Getting Free Guac Every Single Day

We've all been there—walking through the Chipotle line and when the employee points to the guacamole, you say, "Yes, I know it's extra. Yes, still want it." Chipotle charging extra for guac has inspired memes, annoyed customers, and has likely made the chain a pretty penny for years.

But recently Chipotle posted a photo to Instagram cluing its loyal followers to a little-known fact: There is indeed a way to add guac as a topping for free. Cue the celebratory "YAAAASSSSS". There is (of course) a catch, though. Your order must be veggie-only. The vegetarians are still cheering, right?!


The photo says, "Guac Is Not Extra When You Go Veggie Only", and Chipotle captioned the post: "PSA. Tag a vegetarian who needs to know." There were mixed reactions in the comments about this Chipotle hack. One person wrote, "the part where non grass eaters get discriminated against". Another said, "Without meat chipotle is trash. Sorry it's the truth..i have had better tasting food in the l.a. county jail," which is awfully aggressive for some grilled peppers and onions.

Lots of people spent time arguing about whether Sofritas and Veggies are the same thing—they're not, by the way—and there was a continuous pattern of vegetarian-shaming. Jealous, are we?

Others were simply delighted. "Dang guys. I was just trying to save some money today & eat at home but you made me hungry with this advertisement so now I have to go buy it. Love you guys. Have since day one," one Instagram user wrote. One very excited Chipotle fan said, "I AM GETTING A BOWL OF GUACAMOLE HOLY S*** I AM LIVING."

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